Water is the cornerstone of a successful green economy. Many people however assign a different meaning to a green economy. A green economy can be defined as a low carbon, resource-efficient and socially inclusive circular economy which reduces environmental pollution, manages ecological scarcities and aims for sustainable development without affecting the environment negatively.

Green Economies have two inter-linked developmental outcomes, growing economic activity (which encourages foreign and local investment, jobs, and competitiveness) in the green sector.

Have you ever wondered what ‘Green Jobs’ are? 

Green Jobs is defined according to UNEP as work in:

  • Agricultural, manufacturing, research and development preserving or restoring environmental quality. Specifically, jobs that help to protect ecosystems and biodiversity; reduce energy, materials, and water consumption through high efficiency strategies; de-carbonize the economy; and minimize or altogether avoid generation of all forms of waste and pollution.
  • Greater efficiency in the use of energy, water, and materials is a core objective i.e. achieving the same economic output (and level of wellbeing) with far less material input.
  • Green Jobs span a wide array of skills, educational backgrounds, and occupational profiles, such as Research and development; professional fields like engineering and architecture; project planning and management; auditing; administration, marketing, retail, and customer services; many traditional blue-collar areas such as plumbing or electrical wiring; science and academia, professional associations, and civil society organizations (advocacy and community organizations, etc.)

Also, green jobs exist not just in private business, but also in government offices (standard setting, policy-making, permitting, monitoring and enforcement, support programs, etc.).

According to the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment; South Africa sees a green economy as a sustainable development direction based on addressing the interdependence between economic growth, social protection, and natural ecosystem. The South African Government initiatives are supported by practical and implementable action plans which emphasize the importance of building on existing best processes, programmes, initiatives, and indigenous knowledge in key sectors.

We must focus on socio-economic development initiatives that accelerate water service delivery, job creation and new infrastructure implementation whilst also ensuring that freshwater ecosystems are protected.

MEB specializes in both maintaining pristine water quality and providing robust, carbon footprint conscious systems that are designed to adhere the most complex parameters and regulations. Have a chat with our experienced staff today.