Water has become a popular topic these days, given widespread drought conditions around on the continent and the water crisis affecting many poor communities. Funding models that deal with Africa’s infrastructure ambiguity, which has a reputation for risk. The South African Government has been the main supplier of public infrastructure, specifically in the water sector. Government administration and institutional structures continue to shape and influence infrastructure investment. The South African constitutional system imposes unique complexities and constraints on infrastructure investment.

Introducing a New Paradigm

Water is one of the most vital resources but increasing demand and aging systems have stretched South African water infrastructure to its limits. MEB has experience in some of the most renowned and proven funding models. Our solutions can be financed through various sources, below are some of the notable options available under our portfolio of services.

Funding through public-private partnerships (PPPs):

A public–private partnership (PPP) is a long-term concession between government and private sector organizations. It usually involves private capital funding government projects and services up-front, and then drawing revenues from beneficiaries over the course of the PPP agreement.

Funding from private sector markets (BOOT schemes): 

Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) A project delivery mechanism in which a government entity grants to a private sector party the right to finance, design, construct, own and operate a project for a specified number of years.

Financial institutional funding:

Infrastructure funds are great tools to transform public infrastructure through tailor-made blended financing made for African infrastructure needs. Funding African infrastructure can be less risky than commonly perceived, for example by prioritising nationally significant infrastructure projects that would otherwise not be delivered.

We are here to help you implement robust, creative and efficient water treatment solutions. MEB is passionate about closing infrastructure investment gaps, planning, and implementation for increased water security and economic growth. We see opportunity and we’re ready to tackle the complexities of infrastructure projects on the continent.

If these models speak to you and your infrastructure requirements, don’t hesitate to contact us for a comprehensive introduction to our portfolio of solutions and financing options.