Innovation means moving away from old ways and at the same time merging traditional solutions with modern innovations that can help accelerate equitable service delivery. A resilient requires water solution calls for dynamic Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) between the government and private sector on how to build sustainable infrastructuretogether, as well as to address issues of power and waste management.
The NIROBOX is a unique solution with an innovative approach to water treatment. This box has been around for a while, but is quickly again attention as the prime package plant system on the market. With a proven track record the NIROBOX excels in many areas that other plants lag behind on.
What exactly is in the box and what makes it so effective and efficient?
- ⎯ Keeps ongoing equipment, operation and maintenance expenses in check
- ⎯ PLC based HMI with remote monitoring.
- ⎯ Data and reports easily accessible from anywhere on any platform.
- ⎯ Real-time alerts for system malfunctions or abnormal performance
- ⎯ Modular
- ⎯ Fast delivery and deployment
- ⎯ Lower CAPEX
- ⎯ Lower Operation and Maintenance costs
- ⎯ High efficiency energy-recovery device
The NIROBOX™ treatment units are available in various configurations to suit your project size and capacity requirements, allowing fast implementation, commissioning, and operation. Nirobox building blocks are modular and scalable solutions that stood the test of time, time and again. MEB only brings in the best experts and technology innovators to implement immaculately planned projects to life. Building robust quality infrastructure is one of our core missions and hence we are our portfolio of selective advanced technology.