It is widely acknowledged that there are fundamental flaws in South Africa’s water and wastewater management infrastructure that result in environmental damage and the loss of millions of m3 of water annually.

What is water sensitive design (WSD)?

It is an inter-disciplinary design approach, which considers stormwater management in tandem with the ecology of a location, sound urban design, and community values. WSD aspires to ensure multiple public benefits and to develop sustainable water practices for South African communities.

In the past, the modus operandi for water infrastructure were developed using a linear design methodology, starting with: sourcing, treating, transporting, distributing, collecting, treating and finally disposing. This approach is technologically- and resource-intensive, thus resulting in technocratic solutions that may disintegrate the management of the urban water solutions. Water sensitive development require a circular approach which, in essence, acknowledges that everything is interconnected.

Technocratic solutions are entrenched in the belief system that the environment, through the assistance of technology, can be saved. Poverty can be a technical problem and with the right policies, the very same problem and be alleviated. Presidential Climate Commission reports that “the future allocation of water must be carefully considered as part of a just transition. While water efficiency is desirable in all cases, the allocation of water towards economic activities that support low-emissions development should be prioritized, particularly when viewed through a justice lens, ensuring that benefits accrue to the most affected and most vulnerable.”

Water-sensitive cities are the future and can will assist Africa combat water poverty. WSCs are by definition sustainable cities that use water resources with efficient and environmentally conscious design principles.

Six Benefits of water-sensitive designs in rural and urban communities:

  1. supply security;
  2. flood control;
  3. public health;
  4. food security;
  5. energy savings;
  6. climate resilience.

We are passionate about improving Africa’s flood resilience to support livability and dignity by incorporating skills development, environmental and socio-economic solutions that are geared toward uplifting the continent – a continent that is poised to become an economic trailblazer.

MEB continues to propel advanced technology by implementing water treatment solutions such as the NIROBOX and MABR, which have the capacity to treat small to utility scale treatment requirements. Change the trajectory your organizations sustainability goals by making contact with our highly skilled staff.