Desalination is a great solution to supply water to industrial and coastal locations facing water scarcity with high quality water and reduced energy consumption to produce potable water. To make desalination plants more sustainable, its decentralization and renewable energy have to be implemented or at least considered.

South Africa has a long coastline of possibilities for the production of clean drinking water right by its shores. Leveraging the opportunities that present themselves through access to different technologies is important to avoid further water stress.

Four Causes of Water Scarcity:

  • Pollution

One of the major causes of water scarcity is rampant water pollution. The contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater, due to human interference.

  • Population Growth

1.1 billion people globally who do not have access to safe drinking water.

  • Leaks and Infrastructure failure.

Over a third of South Africa’s water supply is lost due to aged and leaky infrastructure, according to the CSIR.

  • Drought

South Africa is the 30th driest country in the world, and has long been grappling with droughts and its effects.

Solutions for Water Scarcity – Desalination:

The shortage of drinking water creates a lack of food and a breeding ground for the spread of disease. Sanitation problems and the frustration with the backlogs in the implementation of WASH facilities elevates discontentment in the populations waiting for adequate service delivery.

Desalination can be done sustainably and cost-effectively. The costs are directly affected by the energy source used and the feed water characteristics, as well as output quality wanted. Implementing cost-effective and energy conscious processes is an important component that other leading sustainable businesses use to have consistent results.

The NIROBOX™ SW is optimal for a variety of essential applications. Offering industry-leading capacity, a single Nirobox SW container can produce up to 1,500 m 3 /d of permeate water, making it the most compact plant-in-a-box.

The NIROBOX™ BW is a modular, highly efficient desalination solution for brackish water. It delivers potable water, industrial process water, and high-quality water for irrigation and other applications. Each is available in three feed capacities: 1,000, 1,500, and 2,000 m3/d. Output water capacity depends on recovery and water-feed specifications.

All options are housed in a single, self-contained 40-foot shipping container.

NIROBOX™ Application:

  • Municipalities and growing communities
  • Housing developments
  • Construction sites
  • Commercial establishments
  • Resorts, hotels, and golf clubs
  • Remote oil and gas facilities
  • Power plants
  • Agriculture irrigation

Let’s have a chat about the solutions that speak directly to you. MEB has strategic partnerships with leaders in industry and only provides robust, advanced solutions made to withstand even the harshest conditions. We give a comprehensive service offering throughout the whole project lifecycle and beyond.