Private Sector Participation in Utility Infrastructure helps streamline the delicate relationship between all the essential services required to retain economic growth. The liberalisation of the energy sector and shifting away from linear service models is paving the way for consumers, industry and informal sectors to take part in the energy revolution brewing in South Africa.

Servictisation is closely interlinked with the creation of a sustainable circular economy, used largely as a means of facilitating the disintegration between growth and consumption. That’s why we work with high-level data analytics and intelligent insights into operations to understand the health and wellness of assets. 

The transition from a linear to a more circular economy that uses less scarce raw materials and causes less negative environmental impact, entails new business models and a shift from buying products to using solutions (‘access-based consumption’).

We specialise in the provision of contemporary Solar (Microgrids), Water Technology, Energy Efficiency and integrated cloud-based real-time Management Technologies, this   is the bedrock of our user-centered service offering.

MEB’s servictisation model encompasses a broad spectrum of user-based utility systems, from basic management services to progressive technology innovations with a core focus on specialised turnkey solutions.

At the Forefront of Technology Innovation

MEB uses its unique approach to marry the essential components required to execute and manage sustainable utility infrastructure.

We use digitisation to improve and manage operations:

  • Tailored Energy Services
  • Power Generation
  • Water
  • Sewage 
  • Distribution and Trading
  • Environmental Services

Areas of Application

Ownership, or rather the lack thereof, is one of the pivotal changes occurring in today’s business environment.

“A growing number of consumers are engaging in alternatives to ownership, often referred to as access-based consumption, where consumers gain access to the products they seek, but no transfer of ownership takes place (Bardhi & Eckhardt, 2012).”

  • Towns & Rural Areas

Providing municipalities with the essential services and expertise to avail effective and efficient urban infrastructure management. Through our integrated smart monitoring and connectivity, we are able to rapidly create economic resilience to improve public and private water and energy infrastructure.

  • Homes & Businesses

MEB has a portfolio of extensive services, finance solutions, and partnerships that help mitigate rising costs and market volatility. Our business principles go far beyond creating greater security, convenience and efficiency. 

By evaluating your energy usage, we can help generate new revenues, increase efficiency and resilience, and optimise expenditure.

In this way, digitisation and the Internet of Things (IoT) are revolutionising the sector across categories and geographies.

Providing solutions to change the future:

Our specialised and powerful new business model for infrastructure management and implementation is enabled by a combination of digitisation and servictisation by adding service components to a connected solution, to open new ways to create value in the entire project cycle. Through our network of partners, we help remove the barriers of access to clean and affordable energy and water services – Start your journey today.