All of South Africa’s major cities are facing water restrictions, which are said to peak over the next 5 years. It is important to highlight the complexities that arise from long term water restrictions, particularly on the health and economy of communities in affected regions.

The majority of the healthcare sector provides direct patient care and are subjected to the strictest regulations and standards pertaining to the quality of water used. Choosing the right water treatment technology partner that can give you the assurance you need to continue operations without a hassle, is essential.

It’s been proven time and again, that during emergencies, healthcare facilities, such as nursing homes, hospitals and clinics should work together with municipalities and public works to minimize the detrimental impact that water disruptions have on the public health system during drinking water deprivation and wastewater service disruptions.

The tricky part is to meet stringent standards, with a solution that is scalable and independently monitored, which can be controlled remotely to provide improved efficiency and effective removal of bacterial, viral, and inorganic contaminants from the water – keeping patients and staff safe from illness.

MEB solutions are designed to descale product water to protect essential lifesaving equipment and improve the taste of drinking water. Reliability and resiliency of water system is also crucial. Thus, it is important to ensure that disruptions in water supply is eliminated or reduced to the lowest risk possible.

We will, together with you, coordinate the facilities’ needs and apply a varied approach to enhance preparedness, by using our comprehensive water technology solutions to supply the best water on the market. Speak to our engineers today!