Several factors influence the quality and cleanliness of water, but how safe is it to consume saline water regularly?

Collaborative research funded by Indiana University Bloomington, USA, has revealed that elevated salt levels in potable water systems in coastal regions are contributing to cardiovascular and other diseases.

Climate change, with rising sea levels, is a primary driver of water salinity. Contemporary activities like over-extracting groundwater and constructing canals and dams exacerbate this issue.

Studies in Asian coastal areas have demonstrated increased hospital visits and various adverse health effects due to high water salinity.

Considering that freshwater, defined as water with low salt concentration (less than 0.05%), constitutes only 1% of the world’s water bodies, it is a precious resource, especially given the growing global demand for drinking water.

Seawater contains substantially higher levels of dissolved salts/solids, ranging from 15,000 to over 40,000 milligrams per liter (mg/l) of total dissolved solids.

Communities exposed to high salinity experience a higher frequency of hospital visits compared to those with low salinity exposure. There seems to be a lack of awareness among those exposed to high salinity regarding its health effects. Water salinity is a growing public health concern due to climate change, necessitating awareness and government policies to mitigate this emerging threat.

Drought stands apart from tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods in several ways. It can be trickier to identify, and its duration often surpasses that of other weather-related incidents. Unlike these natural hazards, we don’t issue “watches” or “warnings” specifically for drought. However, the distinct nature of drought doesn’t preclude us from preparing for it and implementing measures to mitigate its impact on our well-being.

Seawater reverse osmosis systems remove dissolved salts and other minerals from seawater, transforming it into safe, potable water.

This technology offers a reliable, clean water alternative in regions with limited access to fresh water, especially in water-scarce South Africa.

Desalination produces water suitable for irrigation, making it particularly beneficial in arid or drought-prone areas.

Our solutions feature high-performance RO membranes with industry-leading energy recovery, resulting in significantly reduced power consumption.

Seawater desalination systems have a proven track record of creating fresh sources of drinking water. Given the limited supply of freshwater on our planet, desalination is an essential method to combat water shortages.

Unlike solutions dependent on unpredictable factors like rainfall, snowfall, or climate change, seawater desalination systems solely require access to the ocean or seawater.

The systems is deployed in various locations due to their packaged and mobile design, making them ideal for residential areas, industrial parks, and areas where environmental preservation is crucial.

Desalination reduces the pressure on freshwater sources, emphasizing the importance of protecting our oceans as a water supply.

With modern and efficient technology, including plug-and-play mobile units and custom-designed skids, MEB makes addressing water challenges effortless.

It’s no coincidence that MEB places a strong emphasis on providing top-notch solutions to help communities address health issues.