Since digital revolution along with everything being accessible online. It makes sense to also give the love for agriculture to enhance digitally along power boost from sustainable sources! We have agrivoltaics a heaven made match.

You are completely correct; this is where the trend is heading, and we are here to sign you up! Finding a suitable service provider can be as good as swiping right on a dating app. Therefore, having the platform and project partner that can help you filter out the right technology while implementing framework for your farm. This is also crucial to project success, more so in a critical sector such as agriculture.

Installing solar panels above crops, temperature spikes are controlled & evapotranspiration is less. It effectively mitigates the impacts of climate change on agricultural produce. Photovoltaic panels serve as valuable allies to farmers. Hence making agricultural jobs all the more appealing all while offering additional sources of income. As a result, the requirement for irrigation decreases, along with water savings reaching around 20% and potentially reaching up to 30% under optimal conditions also as suggested by certain studies.

Agrivoltaics indeed is a match made in heaven fore it offers advantages that go beyond energy in agriculture. This opens up opportunities for small and medium-scale farmers in South Africa to further generate income and contribute to local communities through solar farming. South Africa alone has a significant number of solar-related jobs, with the construction and maintenance of solar arrays creating employment opportunities.

Agrivoltaics can benefit you in countless ways:

  • Harness Solar Panels for Crop Shading
  • Offer Shade to Animals using Solar Panels
  • Secure Your Farm Income with Climate-Resilient Agrivoltaic Solutions
  • Utilize Tax Advantages from Agri voltaic Solutions!

In simpler terms, this means that with the same amount of water usage, farmers can grow more crops and a greater variety of crops on the same plot of land. The combination of agriculture along with solar energy boosts crop yield. It even contributes to sustainable farming practices.

Discover the agrivoltaic solutions that suit your farm best. Get in touch with our team to explore your options!