The need for water preservation and conservation is getting more pressing. Around the world, there are increasingly more instances of water shortages, deteriorating water quality, and, in some cases, total lack of access to water. Unfortunately, these water problems can now be felt and seen by everyone in the form of dried-up lake beds, collapsed and depleted aquifers, and rivers that no longer flow to where they once did. They are no longer solely attributed to developing countries or dry regions.

Water and wastewater treatment, and reuse remain important means of addressing water scarcity and protecting the aquatic environment in urban areas. However, it comes at the cost of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. However, the issues of governance and provincial-scale research have largely been ignored in current urban wastewater treatment and reuse studies. Wastewater management, defined as the collection, treatment and recycling of wastewater, is a crucial strategy for safeguarding water systems.

Why is modernising wastewater management crucial?

As per recent news, the City of Tswane, is one of the many municipalities that is failing to provide clean water to its residents in the wake of the population influx. This also means that without upgrading wastewater management technology, most solutions will not overcome the issue. Here are three tech innovations that we can help you with:

Internet Of Things:

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of gadgets, information and other technical elements that enables any technology solution to function more smoothly without human intervention. IoT has slowly permeated both the commercial and daily worlds. IoT in water treatment can be used to identify the contaminants mixed in for example wastewater such as pathogens, metals, synthetic chemicals, total submerged solids (TSS) and subsequently pass them through different treatment stages to clean them in a cost-effective and energy conscious manner.

The water management technologies pursue the following objectives:

  1. To reduce wastage in agriculture, manufacturing, and power production, it is important to implement high-tech practices such as precision farming, smart irrigation, crop water management, and real-time water metering.
  2. Water quality is also a crucial factor in maintaining a sustainable water system. To improve water quality and prevent contamination, now you can use sensors and IoT technology for real-time monitoring and control.
  3. Efficiency is key when it comes to water systems. Enhancing the efficiency of water collectors, treatment plants, distribution mains, and wastewater recycling centres can help to reduce water wastage and improve overall performance.
  4. To prevent water loss through leakage, smart water management devices equipped with leak and moisture sensors can be implemented. This allows for quick detection and repair of leaks, reducing water loss and improving efficiency.
  5. Consumption monitoring through IoT-based water management systems is essential to optimise and control the usage of water resources at different levels. This includes households, communities, countries, and the planet as a whole.

Connecting and collecting data in Realtime

By monitoring and managing water consumption, we can work towards a more sustainable future. Most IoT systems collect data that is helpful to functional intelligence. To create an enterprise asset management system that can gather data on performance and reliability, operational efficiencies, water quality and pollutants, sensor monitoring can benefit greatly from the use of IoT in monitoring structures. Reduce energy and operational costs while delivering reliable, safe and efficient services. Learn about our Success Stories and speak rot our team of experts!