he drinking water sector in South Africa confronts a host of critical challenges in the 21st century. These challenges encompass the necessity to replace aging infrastructure, comply with extensive regulatory mandates, function within an increasingly competitive and demanding public environment, and ensure the long-term sustainability and safety of systems.

Planning for water infrastructure systems demands particular attention due to their high initial capital costs, extended lifespans, and potential profound impacts on the well-being of beneficiaries. The substantial investment-to-annual-revenue ratios often lead to conflicts concerning financial responsibilities, impacts, and debates regarding the necessity for upgrades.

Infrastructure plans must align with strategic and developmental principles and should be grounded in comprehensive strategies to guarantee seamless integration across various sectors. The process of water infrastructure planning progresses through stages, starting from initial assessments and advancing to preliminary and final designs, with active public engagement being pivotal at each phase.

Strategic planning revolves around identifying viable strategies for managing operations, maintenance, personnel, and the capital budget.

This entails a thorough comprehension of the costs required to maintain critical assets at the promised level of service.

The challenge often lies in securing long-term funding for infrastructure upgrades, where government investment and enhanced public-private cooperation remain essential. In the long run, it becomes a discussion about covering the genuine costs of producing and delivering water and power.

We assist utilities grappling with the prioritisation of projects amid limited available funding, offering tailored solutions for buried assets.

Part of our service involves educating our clients and beneficiaries about their infrastructure, empowering stakeholders with insights into the service quality they should expect, and aiding utilities in identifying vulnerabilities in their systems or areas where valuable water is lost due to leakage.

The consequences of a single day without water can mobilise countless individuals into activism. To avert the adverse effects of water scarcity, we encourage you to reach out to us today!